The fourth in Olguin's Buenos Aires thriller series starring the gutsy, earthy yet vulnerable investigative reporter Veronica Rosenthal. A former director of the magazine where she works and his ex-partner have been executed in cold blood. The authorities are trying to pass the murders off as a burglary gone wrong. Veronica has her doubts. The magazine's investigation of a high-level corruption scandal seems more likely to have triggered the violence. A scandal involving influential Argentine businessmen involved with an Israeli linked to atrocities committed in Gaza in 2014. This is a dazzling thriller but also a story about the possibilities of love, in which jealousy, eroticism, and humor make an appearance.
Sergio Olguin
Sergio Olguin is an Argentine writer known for his crime novels, with his most famous work being "La Fragilidad de los Cuerpos." His writing style is characterized by intricate plots, gritty realism, and social commentary. Olguin's contributions to literature include shining a light on societal issues through the lens of crime fiction.