Embracing Uncertainty : How writers, musicians and artists thrive in an unpredictable world

Embracing Uncertainty : How writers, musicians and artists thrive in an unpredictable world

(Author) Margaret Heffernan
Format: Paperback
Price: £12.99

So many people hate and fear uncertainty. It causes much stress and anxiety and we often prefer certain bad news to doubt. We turn to technology for certainty, only to find we become dependent, addicted—and more anxious than ever. But artists live with uncertainty: unsure how their work will develop, whether it will succeed or, if it does, why. Yet they have agency and independence, taking risks and running towards what they don’t know. It has never been more necessary for us to become creative actors in our own future. So what is it about the way that artists live and work that gives them such great capacity not just to endure uncertainty but to use it so productively? Margaret Heffernan argues for the vital integration of art into all aspects of our lives and for artists to guide us using their stamina, independence and endurance.

Bristol University Press
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
March 25, 2025

Margaret Heffernan

Margaret Heffernan is a renowned author and business leader known for her influential work "Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes." Her writing style is insightful and thought-provoking, challenging readers to rethink traditional approaches to leadership and organizational culture. Heffernan's contributions to literature inspire change and empowerment.

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