A Simple Guide to TAO MEDITATION

A Simple Guide to TAO MEDITATION

(Author) Angie PH D Kim
Format: Paperback
Price: £0.00

This book is about Tao meditation, from simple meridian exercise, energy training, to vision meditation for enlightenment. "Meditation at first reminded me of stillness in a lotus position. However, as I practice meditation more and more, I found it is rather a process of getting rid of sticks or chains out of the restrictions in my life. It dawned on me that meditation is not only stillness but it is also dynamics. In a typical meditation, you stay in a position to be in a calm and mindful state. However, to reach the ultimate awareness, you also follow the energy flow of the Mother Nature and cultivate the power of energy from the pure inner self. Meditation doesn't belong to any religion. The literal meaning of Tao is a road, path, or way. Especially in this book, it implies the path of life, the way of nature, and a method that lead us to self-healing and self-realization. My initial journey to Tao meditation throws back to the early 1990's. I started my Tao meditation practice in an institute of my hometown Busan in South Korea. Later I moved to Seoul, to New York, to Sedona, and to Los Angeles, but I never stopped incorporating various ways of meditation that help achieving spiritual growth. As an acupuncturist, I've been also aware of how Asian medicine is deeply rooted in the ancient philosophical concepts of Taoism. It teaches you that a human being is a combination of mind, body, and energy. If we ignore body and energy, and only pursue mind aspect in the meditation practice, it becomes baseless concept. This book 'Lucky Tao Meditation' will walk you through the detailed Taoist practice step by step. I believe that you can read this book from cover to cover as a way of life."

Independently Published
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Publish date:
Oct. 9, 2022

Angie PH D Kim

Angie PH D Kim is a Korean-American author known for their groundbreaking novel "Miracles of the Namiya General Store." Their writing style blends magical realism with social commentary, exploring themes of redemption and interconnectedness. Kim's work has redefined the landscape of contemporary Korean literature, earning critical acclaim worldwide.

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