Essential Medical Physiology

Essential Medical Physiology

(Author) Leonard R. Johnson
Format: Hardcover
Price: £0.00

Essential Medical Physiology equips you with the solid background in physiology you need in medicine and the biomedical sciences. Critical problem-solving skills are emphasized throughout to facilitate your comprehension, assimilation, and integration of fundamental physiologic principles and processes. Other student-friendly features include chapter-opening lists of "Key Points" that identify the major points covered, with key terms and concepts highlighted for quick review; "Clinical Notes" sections that underscore the critical relationships between specific physiologic principles and processes and their relevance in different clinical settings; hundreds of drawings, tables, flowcharts, algorithms, and other visual devices that summarize essential principles and concepts. New to the Second Edition of Essential Medical Physiology are thoroughly updated and revised sections on cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal physiology, as well as a comprehensive new section covering the physiology of the central nervous system.

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Number of pages:
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Publish date:
Jan. 1, 1998

Leonard R. Johnson

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