Foundations of Applied Statistical Methods

Foundations of Applied Statistical Methods

(Author) Hang Lee
Format: Hardcover
79.99 Price: £79.99 (0% off)

This book covers methods of applied statistics for researchers who design and conduct experiments, perform statistical inference, and write technical reports. These research activities rely on an adequate knowledge of applied statistics. The reader both builds on basic statistics skills and learns to apply it to applicable scenarios without over-emphasis on the technical aspects. Demonstrations are a very important part of this text. Mathematical expressions are exhibited only if they are defined or intuitively comprehensible. This text may be used as a guidebook for applied researchers or as an introductory statistical methods textbook for students, not majoring in statistics. Discussion includes essential probability models, inference of means, proportions, correlations and regressions, methods for censored survival time data analysis, and sample size determination.

Springer International Publishing AG
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
Nov. 23, 2023

Hang Lee

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