The unforgettable tale of an orphan in Victorian London, based on the boy whose plight inspired Dr Barnardo to found his famous children's homes. When his mother dies, Jim Jarvis is left all alone in London. He is sent to the workhouse but quickly escapes, choosing a hard life on the streets of the city over the confines of the workhouse walls. Struggling to survive, Jim finally finds some friends... only to be snatched away and made to work for the remorselessly cruel Grimy Nick, constantly guarded by his vicious dog, Snipe. Will Jim ever manage to be free?
Berlie Doherty
Berlie Doherty is a British author known for her award-winning children's books and young adult fiction. She has written over 60 books, including "Dear Nobody" which won the Carnegie Medal in 1991. Doherty's writing style is characterized by its emotional depth, vivid imagery, and exploration of complex themes such as family relationships, loss, and identity. She is praised for her ability to capture the inner lives of her characters and create powerful, moving narratives. Doherty's work has had a significant impact on the literary genre of children's and young adult fiction, inspiring readers and fellow writers alike. Her most famous work, "Dear Nobody," remains a classic in the genre and continues to resonate with readers around the world.