Sent to man's world from the paradise island of Themyscira as an ambassador of peace, Wonder Woman is the world's greatest superheroine! In the aftermath of the Amazons' attack on America, led by her mother, Wonder Woman has returned to Themyscira... only to discover the island under attack from Captain Nazi and the Secret Society of Super-Villains! Her only allies are a group of apes from Gorilla City she has recently defeated... but the real danger is much closer to home, as a conspiracy hatched at her birth finally comes to bloody fruition! Gail Simone (Birds of Prey) takes Wonder Woman to a whole new level, with amazing art by Terry and Rachel Dodson (Harley Quinn)!
Gail Simone
Gail Simone is a renowned comic book writer known for her work on titles such as "Wonder Woman," "Batgirl," and "Birds of Prey." Her writing style is characterized by strong, complex female characters and witty dialogue. Simone's key contribution to literature is her groundbreaking portrayal of women in the male-dominated world of comics.