Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards (Remastered) (P2)

Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards (Remastered) (P2)

(Author) Paizo Staff
Format: Book
37.99 Price: £32.99 (13% off)

Discover the mysteries of the occult with Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards! Featuring all of the occult spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2 on over 240 reference cards, this is a vital accessory for those who dabble in the esoteric arts. Open your mind to the unknown! Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!

Paizo Publishing, LLC
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
Dec. 3, 2024

Paizo Staff

Paizo Staff is best known for their creation of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, a popular tabletop RPG that has revolutionized the genre. Their writing style is immersive and detailed, bringing to life rich worlds and engaging characters. Their key contribution to literature is the expansion of the fantasy genre through innovative gameplay mechanics and storytelling.

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