Project Management for Construction : Fundamental Aspects from Conception to Completion

Project Management for Construction : Fundamental Aspects from Conception to Completion

(Author) Andrew Agapiou
Format: Hardcover
Price: £80.00

Construction project management is an integrated activity which requires professionals to have an understanding of the whole building process and to think across the many interconnected functions of a building. In light of the exponentially growing need for specialists in construction project management to lead the design and construction stage effectively, this textbook has been designed for those who are able to manage both design and construction stages of complex buildings. Construction professionals will need to understand how and when to intervene as decision makers who can change the consequences of building activities. In addition, construction industry practitioners need to be better equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to rethink design processes using value management principles with a huge focus on sustainable design as the vehicle during design and construction stage. The textbook also provides a unique overview and insight into the design, management, and operation of construction projects.

Anthem Press
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
Jan. 13, 2026

Andrew Agapiou

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