A heartbreaking tale of impossible love in late-twentieth century Egypt. Cairo, 1980s. Tarek's whole life is laid out for him. A doctor like his father, he has taken over the family medical practice, married his childhood sweetheart and is well respected in society. When he opens a clinic in a disadvantaged area of the city, he meets Ali, a young man who is free from the societal pressures that govern Tarek's life. This chance encounter will change everything, throwing Tarek's marriage, career and his entire existence into question. From bustling Cairo to the harsh winters of Montréal, from the reign of Nasser to the dawn of a new century, Tarek wanders and reminisces. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, someone is compiling the chapters of his story . . .
Eric Chacour
Eric Chacour, a Palestinian author and advocate for peace, is best known for his memoir "Blood Brothers." His writing style is powerful and emotive, capturing the struggles and resilience of his people. Chacour's work sheds light on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promotes understanding and reconciliation.