The Political Economy of Organ Transplantation : Where Do Organs Come From?

(Author) Hagai Boas
Format: Hardcover
135.00 Price: £125.00 (7% off)
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This innovative work combines a rigorous academic analysis of the political economy of organ supply for transplantation with autobiographical narratives that illuminate the complex experience of being an organ recipient. Organs for transplantations come from two sources: living or post-mortem organ donations. These sources set different routes of movement from one body to another. Postmortem organ donations are mainly sourced and allocated by state agencies, while living organ donations are the result of informal relations between donor and recipient. Each route traverses different social institutions, determines discrete interaction between donor and recipient, and is charged with moral meanings that can be competing and contrasting. The political economy of organs for transplants is the gamut of these routes and their interconnections, and this book suggests how such a political economy looks like: what are its features and contours, its negotiation of the roles of the state, market and the family in procuring organs for transplantations, and its ultimate moral justifications. Drawing on Boas' personal experiences of waiting, searching and obtaining organs, each autobiographical section of the book sheds light on a different aspect of the discussed political economy of organs - post-mortem donations, parental donation, and organ market - and illustrates the experience of living with the fear of rejection and the intimidation of chronic shortage. A Political Economy of Organ Transplantation is of interest to students and academics with an interest in bioethics, sociology of health and illness, medical anthropology, and science and technology studies.

Taylor & Francis Ltd
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
Sept. 9, 2022

Hagai Boas

Hagai Boas is a renowned Israeli writer known for his novel "The Patriot." His writing style is marked by lyrical prose and intricate character development. Boas's work delves into the complexities of identity and nationalistic fervor, making significant contributions to Israeli literature.


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