Programming Language Pragmatics
(Author) Michael ScottProgramming Language Pragmatics is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today, with nearly 1000 pages of content in the book, plus hundreds more pages of reference materials and ancillaries online. Michael Scott takes theperspective that language design and language implementation are tightly interconnected, and that neither can be fully understood in isolation. In an approachable, readable style, he discusses more than 50 languages in the context of understanding how code isinterpreted or compiled, providing an organizational framework for learning new languages, regardless of platform. This edition has been thoroughly updated to cover the most recent developments in programming language design and provides both a solid understanding of the most important issues driving software development today
Michael Scott
Michael Scott is best known for his bestselling fantasy series "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel." His writing style blends historical events with fantasy elements, captivating readers with fast-paced plots and intricate world-building. Scott's key contribution to literature lies in his ability to weave together mythology and modern storytelling in a compelling way.