Bunner Sisters explores the lives of the impoverished class in 1870s New York. Sisters Ann Eliza and Evelina run a small shop out of a shabby basement on a side street. Despite their misfortunes, they are happy in their small, supportive community of women. This bubble will soon be burst, however, as Ann Eliza and Evelina are faced with the harsh realities of the world that exists outside of their shop. A considerate exploration of American society, class, and sibling relationships, Edith Wharton's novel is unmissable if you enjoyed Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'.
Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton was an American novelist known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Age of Innocence." Her literary style was characterized by her detailed depiction of high society and exploration of societal norms. Wharton's contributions to literature include her insightful critiques of the upper class and exploration of human emotions.