A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
(Author) James Joyce"James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) is one of the twentieth century's great coming-of-age novels. This Norton Critical Edition is based on Hans Walter Gabler's acclaimed text and is accompanied by his introduction and textual notes. John Paul Riquelme provides explanatory notes to deepen the reader's appreciation for Joyce's masterpiece." ""Backgrounds and Contexts" is topically organized: "Political Nationalism: Irish History, 1798-1916," "The Irish Literary and Cultural Revival," "Religion," and "Aesthetic Backgrounds." Fourteen illustrations accompany the documents." ""Criticism" begins with John Paul Riquelme's overview of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man's structure. Twelve diverse interpretations of his work follow, by Kenneth Burke, Umberto Eco, Hugh Kenner, Helene Cixous, John Paul Riquelme, Karen Lawrence, Maud Ellmann, Bonnie Kime Scott, Joseph Valente, Marian Eide, Pericles Lewis, adn Jonathan Mulrooney. A Selected Bibliography is also included."--BOOK JACKET.
James Joyce
James Joyce was an Irish writer known for his innovative and complex writing style. His most notable works include "Dubliners," "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," "Ulysses," and "Finnegans Wake." Joyce's stream-of-consciousness technique and use of interior monologue revolutionized modernist literature. His works often explore themes of alienation, identity, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world. "Ulysses," considered his masterpiece, is a groundbreaking novel that follows the events of a single day in Dublin, paralleling Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey." Joyce's unique narrative techniques and experimental prose have had a profound influence on the development of the modern novel.