'This bold graphic novel sequel to Cross My Heart and Never Lie, which Alice Oseman called "a warm hug", follows Bao, who bands together with her friends to save their beloved forest from being turned into a car park. But how can they make the adults listen? A story about being big enough to understand what needs to be done, but too young to be taken seriously. When Bao finds out that the adults have decided to turn her beloved forest - the Bog - into a car park, she realises that she's the one who must act! With her best friends Tuva and Linnéa by her side, Bao organises a protest. Do Abdi and the other boys at school really understand why it's so important to save the forest? And how do you make the adults understand the seriousness of the situation when you're 12 years old? Save Our Forest! is a stand-alone follow-up to the acclaimed and awarded Cross my Heart and Never Lie.
Nora Dasnes
Nora Dasnes is a renowned contemporary poet known for her introspective and emotive writing style. Her works often explore themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, resonating with readers on a deep and personal level. Dasnes' most notable work, "Whispers in the Wind," has been praised for its poignant and evocative language. Her unique voice and innovative approach to poetry have had a significant impact on the genre, inspiring countless writers to delve into the depths of their emotions and experiences. Nora Dasnes continues to be a prominent figure in the literary world, captivating audiences with her powerful and thought-provoking verses.