Troubled Watersexploresthefateofwhalesanddolphinsandhowthat fatebecameintertwinedwithhumanhistory. Thestorybeginsmore than1,000yearsagowhenhuntersfirsttookupharpoonsandwenttoseainsearchoftherichrewardsofmeat,oilandwhalebone. The book charts a course through the whaling boom of the 18th and 19th centuries, the tragic implications of commercial fishing and noise pollution, the controversial keeping of dolphins and whales in captivity, and the current row over Japanese whalingall within the context of the human social, cultural and political developments that have shaped the lives of these creatures.
Sarah Lazarus
Sarah Lazarus is a renowned poet known for her collection "The Skin and Under." Her work delves into themes of identity, love, and resilience with a raw and evocative style. Lazarus has made significant contributions to contemporary literature through her powerful and introspective poetry.