![Keep Your Day Job : Leverage Your Side Hustle To Grow Your Corporate Career, Regardless Of What HR Says You Can Do](https://media.lowellbooks.com/covers/2024/9781032688022.webp)
Keep Your Day Job : Leverage Your Side Hustle To Grow Your Corporate Career, Regardless Of What HR Says You Can Do
(Author) Dannie Fountain"As Millennials and Gen Z grow their influence in the workplace, side hustling and overemployment are emerging from the dark corners of the corporate world-but many companies still resist this trend. How can employees leverage the shifting power dynamic to build their own empires? Build now and ask forgiveness later: this book shows you how. Rich with insights from personal experience and doctoral research, this is the story of more than a decade of side hustling alongside successes, and failures, in a career in corporate America. But more importantly, it is a roadmap on how to successfully incorporate a side hustle into your life in a way that supports your day job too. Not everyone starts a side hustle to eventually quit their day job, and many individuals enjoy and take pride in the dual incomes they can earn this way. This book centers and prioritizes this path. No matter their industry, this book will resonate with readers who have been burned by their side hustle (or fear that they might be), as well as HR professionals who want to support change in corporate America and leaders who value and prioritize innovation to impact their workforce for the better"--
Dannie Fountain
Dannie Fountain is a renowned author and marketing strategist known for her impactful book "The Side Hustle Gal." Her writing style is engaging and practical, offering actionable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Fountain's key contribution to literature lies in empowering individuals to pursue their passions and create successful side businesses.