"Manga Shakespeare is a series of graphic novel adaptations of William Shakespeare's plays. A fusion of classic Shakespeare with manga visuals, these are cutting-edge adaptations that will intrigue and grip readers. Drawing inspiration from trend-setting Japan and using Shakespeare's original texts, this series brings to life the great Bard's words for students, Shakespeare enthusiasts and manga fans. Manga is a dynamic, emotional and cinematic medium easily absorbed by the eye. Its attractive art and simple storytelling methods enthuse readers to approach Shakespeare's work in the way he intended as entertainment"--Publisher's website.
Richard Appignanesi
Richard Appignanesi is a British writer and editor known for his work on the iconic graphic novel "Introducing Freud." His writing style is accessible and engaging, making complex ideas understandable to a wider audience. Appignanesi's key contribution to literature lies in his ability to bridge the gap between academic theory and popular culture.