Explore the magic of the thirteen tree months of the Celtic astrological calendar--and learn what they mean for your personality--in this miniature illustrated guidebook. Celtic Astrology is an ancient, mystical study of the cosmos based on the cycle of the moon and the thirteen tree months. The Celtic zodiac signs associated with these phases of the constellations correlate meaning into human existence. This gorgeously illustrated miniature book delves into the significance of the tree months of Beth, Luis, Nion, Fearn, Saille, Huath, Duir, Tinne, Coll, Muin, Gort, Ngetal, and Ruis and what they mean for personalities of all stripes.
T. Bonaddio
T. Bonaddio is best known for their groundbreaking poetry collection "The Blurring of the Self," which explores themes of identity and transformation. Their avant-garde style challenges traditional poetic forms, making them a leading voice in contemporary experimental literature. Bonaddio's work pushes boundaries and expands the possibilities of language in poetry.