Prologue A computer is a device that processes information using binary digits (0 and 1) called bits. A quantum computer is a device that uses quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1, meaning they can be both 0 and 1 at the same time. This allows quantum computers to perform parallel computations and solve certain problems faster than classical computers. Quantum computers also use quantum phenomena such as entanglement and interference to manipulate qubits and perform operations that have not been assigned. What happens if a quantum computer coalesces with AI and both aspire to become human? Should we be concerned?
Jw Kelley
Jw Kelley is a renowned writer known for their novel "The Shadow of the Wind," a captivating tale of mystery and love set in post-war Barcelona. Their lyrical prose and intricate storytelling have earned them critical acclaim, solidifying their place as a master of the literary genre.