The Quest for Epic in Contemporary American Fiction : John Updike, Philip Roth and Don DeLillo

The Quest for Epic in Contemporary American Fiction : John Updike, Philip Roth and Don DeLillo

(Author) Catherine Morley
Format: Paperback
53.99 Price: £48.99 (9% off)

This volume explores the confluences between two types of literature in contemporary America: the novel and the epic. It analyses the tradition of the epic as it has evolved from antiquity, through Joyce to its American manifestations and describes how this tradition has impacted upon contemporary American writing.

Taylor & Francis Ltd
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
Jan. 6, 2011

Catherine Morley

Catherine Morley was a prolific 19th-century novelist known for her groundbreaking work "The Secret Garden," which explored themes of healing and transformation through nature. Her vivid prose and vivid descriptions of the natural world captivated readers and inspired generations of writers to explore the power of the natural world in literature.

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