Make Yourself Great Again - Complete Collection: an Introduction to Mindset Stacking Techniques

(Author) Robert C. Worstell
Format: Hardcover
Price: £0.00

You're Already Wired for Exceptional Success BUT: Those same programs also have given you your greatest failures. If you've ever had a complete melt-down, a real failure of your mindset, where the world has seemingly gone to hell and stayed there, you're not alone. It's just sad to tell you that it's your own damned fault. What makes it worse is to find out that all you need to succeed was already programmed into you - and has been since you were born. Then how did you get into that mess? By believing what people told you - as you were raised, - and in every school you went to, - all your on the job training, - every movie you ever saw, - or song you ever heard. All those lessons and examples just helped you believe in something other than your own ability to become great. This collection of 7 books now answers all the questions and more. Because this subject is as deep as you want to take it. And your life is guaranteed to never be the same... Get Your Copy Now.

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Publish date:
April 21, 2017

Robert C. Worstell

Robert C. Worstell was an American author known for his influential work "The Secret of the Ages," a self-help book that explores the power of positive thinking and visualization. His writing style is clear, concise, and inspiring, making complex ideas accessible to readers. Worstell's key contribution to literature lies in his ability to motivate and empower readers to achieve their goals through the power of their mind.


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