A fun and quirky story against anything but your average team from Malachy Doyle. When Seamus and his scaredy-ba Granda go for a night-time walk, they don't expect to find a group of ghosts in an old barn. Greg the Ghoul, Phantom Pete, and friends are too scared to go up into heaven, in case they are sent back down to hell, so they are just waiting around in the barn, getting bored. Seamus has an idea to relieve their boredom they should form a soccer team and play other ghosts! The ghosts are nervous, but Seamus and his Granda help them get fit and improve their game. Soon they are champion players, powering their way through teams on earth, heaven, and even hell!"
Malachy Doyle
Malachy Doyle is a renowned Irish author known for his critically acclaimed novel "Georgie". His writing style is characterized by lyrical prose and vivid storytelling. Doyle's key contribution to literature lies in his ability to capture the essence of childhood through his poignant and heartfelt narratives.