A strange, unsettling collection of 3 novellas by one of the masters of the horror genre, Stephen Graham Jones. INTERSTATE LOVE AFFAIR is a frightening glimpse into the mind of a serial killer. William travels the I-10 east, picking up dogs and the occasional girl. None of his companions last long. NO TAKEBACKS: Before you download that next app, think about the creators who put it together... and whether their creation might have gotten away from them.... The programmer friends decide to make a phone app called No Takebacks. The first line of the story gives a flavor of what's to come: "We didn't build the app to kill anybody..." THE COMING OF NIGHT: A serial killer story with a twist. A salesman at a convention chooses a victim at the bar, but that's only the beginning. The supernatural begins to creep in, and the killer himself descends into madness.
Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones is a Blackfeet author known for his groundbreaking work in horror fiction. His most famous work, "The Only Good Indians," blends traditional horror elements with Native American themes, challenging readers to confront societal issues. Jones' unique storytelling style and diverse representation have made him a prominent voice in contemporary literature.