A Notable Woman : The Romantic Journals of Jean Lucey Pratt
(Author) Jean Lucey PrattIn April 1925, Jean Lucey Pratt began writing a journal. She continued to write until just a few days before her death in 1986, producing well over a million words in 45 exercise books during the course of her lifetime. She wrote about anything that amused her or troubled her, laying bare every aspect of her life with aching honesty, infectious humour, indelicate gossip and heartrending hopefulness. With Jean we live through the tumult of the Second World War and the fears of a nation. We see Britain hurtling through a period of unbridled transformation, and we witness the shifting landscape for women in society.
Jean Lucey Pratt
Jean Lucey Pratt was an English diarist known for her meticulous record-keeping in her diaries spanning over 60 years. Her most famous work, "A Notable Woman: The Romantic Journals of Jean Lucey Pratt," offers a compelling glimpse into the daily life and thoughts of a remarkable woman. Her candid and introspective writing style has made her a significant figure in the literary world.