The Lost World : the sequel to Jurassic Park
(Author) Michael Crichton_____________________ Something has survived. THE BESTSELLING SEQUEL TO JURASSIC PARK Six years have passed since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park. In the years since the extraordinary dream of science and imagination came to a crashing end, the island has been indefinitely closed to the public, its park dismantled, the dinosaurs themselves destroyed. Or so it was thought. But something has survived. And when a team led by maverick scientist Ian Malcolm enters the mysterious 'Site B' to investigate, they are determined that this, at last, will be the end of the dinosaurs... Michael Crichton takes the terrifying events of Jurassic Park even further in this unstoppably readable adventure sequel, told by a master storyteller. _____________________ A must-read for Jurassic Park fans- the Steven Spielberg adaption of The Lost World made numerous major plot changes to the original novel, making this the true last unexplored frontier of the Jurassic Park world...
Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton was an American author known for his groundbreaking novel "Jurassic Park," which revolutionized the science fiction genre. His fast-paced, thrilling storytelling and meticulous research set him apart in the literary world. Crichton's ability to blend science with suspense made him a pioneer in popular literature.