Who Runs Our Universities? : Debt's Shadow Governance and How to Organize for Change
(Author) Coalition Against Campus DebtThe future of public higher education is held hostage by a nearly invisible set of financial institutions and actors. How did it get this way? Lend and Rule reveals the "shadow governance" of debt and credit in the United States higher education system. With sharp and hard-hitting insight, The Coalition Against Campus Debt exposes how institutional debt is a primary driver of university austerity, miseducation, and the deepening of societal inequality. Addressing the burning questions of how our lives are entangled in a debt economy, they develop the analysis necessary to transform higher education into a hub for radical social change in today's neoliberal racial capitalist political economy. Part theoretical analysis, part toolbox for organizers in higher education, Lend and Rule is an invaluable resource for anyone engaged in debt abolition struggle or looking to acquire a critical and transformative vision of higher education today.
Coalition Against Campus Debt
Coalition Against Campus Debt is a grassroots organization dedicated to fighting student loan debt. Their acclaimed work "Debt Struggles: A Collection of Stories" sheds light on the personal impact of student debt. With a powerful and engaging literary style, they have sparked conversations and inspired action towards a debt-free future for students.