Chess for Beginners : The Ultimate Beginner's Guide Into the Ancient Game of Chess (Learn the Basics Well to Improve Your Tactical Skills)

Chess for Beginners : The Ultimate Beginner's Guide Into the Ancient Game of Chess (Learn the Basics Well to Improve Your Tactical Skills)

(Author) Cassandra Flores
Format: Paperback
18.95 Price: £18.95 (0% off)

Take on the challenge of becoming a chess player using this book to give you a solid foundation of the basics. Chess might seem harder to play than checkers, but once you understand the moves and the rules, it can be truly enjoyable! Among many other topics you'll learn here: - The ancient origins of chess and how it evolved over time - How each piece moves and how to apply the basic rules - The most successful chess strategies to dominate every game - How to apply superior opening tactics and strategies to win every game - How to craft a superior middlegame plan to prepare for a successful endgame - To deliver the final strike when the two fighting minds reach the decisive phase of endgame - And so much more. You know you need to checkmate your opponent before he checkmates you. But checkmate isn't as easy as it sounds. Wrestling your opponent's king into a position to checkmate him can take hours. Many casual players lacking the know-how give up on endgames they're certain to win.

Tomas Edwards
Number of pages:
Publish year:
Publish date:
March 28, 2021

Cassandra Flores

Cassandra Flores is a renowned poet known for her collection "Whispers of the Soul," exploring themes of love, loss, and resilience with haunting beauty. Her lyrical and introspective style has captivated readers worldwide, earning her a place among the most influential voices in contemporary poetry.

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