Dans une petite ville du sud des États-Unis, Harriet Cleve Dufresnes grandit dans l'ombre d'un frère décédé, retrouvé pendu à un arbre du jardin. Un meurtre non élucidé qui a anéanti sa famille. Imprégnée de la littérature d'aventures de Stevenson, Kipling et Conan Doyle, Harriet décide, l'été de ses 12 ans, de trouver l'assassin et d'exercer sa vengeance. Avec, pour unique allié, son ami Hely. Mais ce que Harriet et Hely vont découvrir est bien éloigné de leurs jeux d'enfants : un monde inconnu et menaçant, le monde des adultes...
Donna Tartt
Donna Tartt is an American author known for her intricate, suspenseful novels that delve into themes of friendship, betrayal, and obsession. Her most notable works include "The Secret History," a dark and atmospheric tale of a group of college students who become entangled in a murder, and "The Goldfinch," a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel that follows a young man's journey through loss and redemption. Tartt's writing style is characterized by rich, detailed prose and complex character development. She is credited with revitalizing the literary thriller genre and has been praised for her ability to create immersive, atmospheric worlds. "The Secret History" remains Tartt's most famous work, cementing her reputation as a master storyteller.