وُلِد أوغوست (أوغي) بلمان بتشوّه في وجهه، مما منعه من الالتحاق بمدرسة عادية. وعند وصوله إلى الصف الخامس، قرّر والداه إلحاقه بمدرسة «بيتشر» الابتدائية. ومن المعروف أنك إذا كنت طالبًا جديدًا، فإنك ستواجه مصاعب كثيرة. لكن «أوغي» طفل عادي بوجه فريد. هل سينجح في إقناع زملائه أنه يشبههم على الرغم من مظهره الخارجي؟
R J Palacio
R J Palacio, born as Raquel Jaramillo, is an American author best known for her debut novel "Wonder." This heartwarming story about a young boy with a facial deformity has touched millions of readers worldwide and has been adapted into a successful film. Palacio's writing style is known for its emotional depth, empathy, and ability to tackle difficult themes with grace and sensitivity. She has made significant contributions to the genre of young adult literature, promoting themes of kindness, acceptance, and the power of empathy. Palacio's work has inspired readers of all ages to choose kindness and embrace differences, making her a beloved and respected figure in the literary world.