The prequel series to the world-renowned Astro Boy manga and anime franchise by Osamu Tezuka continues with its 10th volume. Six’s journey sees him fight a ferocious foe to save an old acquaintance. Fans of mecha fights and anime will find a perfect fit with this action-packed Manga! Responding to a distress call, Six scurries around only to be greeted by an old acquaintance. But when a powerful foe starts detecting Six, he must grapple with saving his friends and saving himself! Created by Masami Yuki and Tetsurō Kasahara, Volume 10 of ATOM: The Beginning inches closer to the legendary Osamu Tezuka creation, Astro Boy , an icon known across the world from the hugely successful manga and anime.
Masami Yuuki
Masami Yuuki is a renowned Japanese manga artist best known for his influential work, "Mobile Police Patlabor." His distinct blend of realistic mecha designs and social commentary revolutionized the mecha genre. Through his thought-provoking storytelling and intricate world-building, Yuuki has left a lasting mark on the world of manga.