Burst Angel explores an alternate future Tokyo where firearms have become legal in Japan! In this prequel to the hit anime, discover how the Burst Angels first met and became legendary crimefighters! Perfect for fans of girls-with-guns and shonen manga! The first volume in the hit manga adaptation of the anime of the same name! After firearms become legal in Japan, gun-toting mercenaries prowl the streets, looking to exterminate any criminals who would dare show their faces. Explore the early days of the Burst Angels — Jo, Meg, Amy, and Sei in this prequel that explores how they met and became the elite squad of mercenaries they are today!
Minoru Murao
Minoru Murao was a Japanese poet and novelist known for his work "The Dancing Girl," a haunting tale of unrequited love and societal pressures. His minimalist style and exploration of human emotions earned him critical acclaim and solidified his place as a master of modern Japanese literature.