The Independent Thinker : How to Think for Yourself, Come to Your Own Conclusions, Make Great Decisions, and Never Be Fooled

The Independent Thinker : How to Think for Yourself, Come to Your Own Conclusions, Make Great Decisions, and Never Be Fooled

(Autor) Patrick King
Formato: Hardcover
18,99 Precio: £17,09 (10% off)

Learn to ask the intelligent questions, draw insight, and analyze situations. Independent thinking is critical thinking. And critical thinking is the key to a life examined. Better decision-making, smarter reasoning, and greater mental clarity. The Independent Thinker is a guidebook on how to navigate this world, simply put. Without it, who knows what you'll get caught by. An errant fact? A confusing statistic? A belief that holds dubious truth? We are all subject to these everyday tricks! This book will teach you, from A to Z, exactly how to think. Because the skill of thinking is truly what separates the exceptional from the average. How to make sure that you aren't being fooled, tricked, or manipulated! Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience. Protect yourself from bad data, inaccurate statistics, and old wive's tales. The 3 levels of independent thought Critical reading, thinking, and even logic What Nietzsche teaches us about finding out for ourselves Why our feelings, emotions, and even memories are not reality The Paul-Elder framework of critical thinking and examination Most importantly, freedom from your own biases, past, and filters

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Fecha publicación:
22 de Enero de 2022

Patrick King