A story of forbidden sexual passion and thwarted dreams set against the backdrop of a lush summer in rural Massachusetts Seventeen-year-old Charity Royall is desperate to escape life with her hard-drinking adoptive father. Their isolated village stifles her, and his behaviour increasingly disturbs her. When a young city architect visits for the summer, it offers Charity the chance to break free. But as they embark on an intense affair, will it bring her another kind of trap? Regarded by Edith Wharton as among her best novels, Summer caused a sensation in 1917 with its honest depiction of a young woman overturning the rules of her day and attempting to live on her own terms.
Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton was an American novelist known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Age of Innocence." Her literary style was characterized by her detailed depiction of high society and exploration of societal norms. Wharton's contributions to literature include her insightful critiques of the upper class and exploration of human emotions.