Reunited once more, young Alexander Cold and his best friend, Nadia, embark upon a new adventure, following Alex's frighteningly fearless journalist grandmother Kate to a forbidden kingdom hidden away in the frosty peaks of the Himalayas. They seek the fabled Golden Dragon—a sacred statue and priceless oracle coveted by a greedy and powerful outsider. To prevent the desecration of the holy relic, they will need the help of a sage Buddhist monk, his young royal disciple, and a fierce tribe of Yeti warriors. But even the mystical power of their totemic animal spirits may not be enough to save the teenagers and this remote world from the destructive encroachment of “civilization.” Kingdom of the Golden Dragon is the second book in a remarkable trilogy by internationally acclaimed author Isabel Allende.
Isabel Allende
Isabel Allende is a Chilean author known for her magical realism and passionate storytelling. Her most notable works include "The House of the Spirits," "Eva Luna," and "Paula." Allende's writing often explores themes of love, family, and politics, drawing inspiration from her own experiences and Latin American history. She has had a significant impact on the literary genre of magical realism, blending elements of fantasy with reality to create vivid and captivating narratives. "The House of the Spirits" is Allende's most famous work, a sweeping saga that has been translated into numerous languages and continues to be celebrated for its rich characters and lyrical prose. Allende's contributions to literature have earned her international acclaim and a devoted readership worldwide.