Considered one of the most influential novels in American fiction in structure, style, and drama, 'As I Lay Dying' is a true 20th-century classic. The story revolves around a grim yet darkly humorous pilgrimage, as Addie Bundren's family sets out to fulfill her last wish-to be buried in her native Jefferson, Mississippi, far from the miserable backwater surroundings of her married life. Narrated in turn by each of the family members-including Addie herself-as well as others the novel ranges in mood, from dark comedy to the deepest pathos.
William Faulkner
William Faulkner, born in 1897 in Mississippi, is renowned for his novel "The Sound and the Fury." His stream-of-consciousness style and use of Southern Gothic themes revolutionized American literature. Faulkner's exploration of complex characters and the deep South's history continues to inspire generations of writers.