Life of the Party is a darkly humorous narrative set in Milan. The story swan dives into the underbelly of Milanese fashion and nightlife, through the eyes of Mia, a young expat. She came to Milan to escape her problems but only found new and more glamorous ones. Mia indulges in the highs and lows that drugs and men can offer, only to be left with herself in the end. Can you lose your innocence if you never had it in the first place? Tragic, fun, and artful-- Hacic-Vlahovic crafts a Beat novel for the Instagram generation. Life of the Party will leave you with a hangover and a "VIP" stamp on your heart.
Tea Hacic-Vlahovic
Tea Hacic-Vlahovic is a renowned Croatian poet known for her acclaimed work "The Frightened Ones". Her writing style is characterized by its raw emotion, vivid imagery, and introspective exploration of human experiences. Hacic-Vlahovic's key contributions to literature lie in her ability to capture the complexities of human emotion with haunting beauty.