My Rabbit is not doing well : Three decades of a silent reflection on the French society

My Rabbit is not doing well : Three decades of a silent reflection on the French society

(Autor) Francis Dimitri
Formato: Paperback
Precio: £13,79

When it comes to French people, many non-French folks say they don't understand them. But, honestly, even the French have a tough time understanding their own society. The themes that make Francis tick have never stopped popping up and influencing the daily lives of french people. Some are easy to spot, while others surprise everyone out of the blue! Think the 35-hour working week, Hidalgo as mayor of Paris, Caledonia, the pandemic, subprimes, ecology, terrorism. Over three decades, the author has lovingly explored, analysed and interpreted all these topics with a playful mind.

Francis Dimitri
Número de páginas:
Año de publicación:
Fecha publicación:
28 de Agosto de 2024

Francis Dimitri

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