"Set primarily in Iran, this extraordinary debut novel weaves 50 years of modern Kurdish history through a story of a family facing oppression and injustices all too familiar to the Kurds. Leila dreams of making films to bring the suppressed stories of her people onto the global stage, but obstacles keep piling up. Her younger brother, Chia, influenced by their father's past torture, imprisonment, and his deep-seated desire for justice, begins to engage with social and political affairs. But his activism grows increasingly risky and one day he disappears in Tehran. Seeking answers about her brother's whereabouts, Leila fears the worst and begins a campaign to save him. But when she publishes Chia's writings online, she finds herself in grave danger as well. The first novel published in English by a female Kurdish writer, Daughters of Smoke and Fire is an evocative portrait of the lives and stakes faced by 40 million stateless Kurds. It's an unflinching but compassionate and powerful story that brilliantly illuminates the meaning of identity and the complex bonds of family"--
Ava Homa
Ava Homa is a Kurdish-Canadian author known for her critically acclaimed novel "Daughters of Smoke and Fire". Her writing style is characterized by raw emotion and vivid imagery, shedding light on the struggles of Kurdish women. Homa's work has made significant contributions to literature by amplifying marginalized voices.