Oxford Essential Italian Dictionary
(Autor) Oxford LanguagesThe Oxford Essential Italian Dictionary is a new compact Italian-English and English-Italian dictionary that offers up-to-date coverage of all the essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. This dictionary is easy to use and ideal for travel, work, or study. The latest words in each language have been added, reflecting all aspects of life today, from computing and technology to lifestyle and business. Additional features include guides to Italian and English pronunciation, as well as help with both Italian and English verbs. The Oxford Essential Italian Dictionary is ideal for anyone in need of a handy quick reference. An essential book for the study of Italian. This dictionary includes 3 months' access* to Oxford's premium Italian / English online dictionary service, Oxford Language Dictionaries Online, so you can find accurate translations and extra resources wherever you are. The site is regularly updated with the latest new words and meanings from Oxford's modern languages research programme, the Oxford Languages Tracker. You can also hear audio pronunciations and improve your language skills with online cultural notes, guides to writing, and much more. *Available in selected markets (UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, and South Africa). Terms and conditions apply; please see www.oxforddictionaries.com/access for information.
Oxford Languages
Oxford Languages is renowned for their authoritative English dictionaries, including the Oxford English Dictionary. Their meticulous research and comprehensive coverage have set the standard for lexicography. With a focus on precision and clarity, their work has become indispensable to writers, scholars, and language enthusiasts worldwide.