Catastrophes & Tactics in the Chess Opening - Volume 3 : Flank Openings - Large Print Edition: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening : 3
(Autor) Carsten HansenEverybody wants to win fast, preferably straight out of the chess opening. This book is a collection of games played by top players in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of blunders, an accumulation of mistakes or brilliant chess tactics. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies, and tactical ability. The chess openings covered in this volume are: 1) The Larsen-Nimzowitsch Attack2) Reti Opening & King's Indian Attack3) Flank Opening Specialties such as the The Bird (1 f4), The Dunst (1 Nc3), Orangutan (1 b4), 1 g34) The English Opening: Indian, Slav, Dutch set-ups including the Flohr-Mikenas Attack5) The English Opening with 1...e56) The Symmetrical EnglishAfter sorting games with the worst mistakes & blunders away, there remains a collection of games showing a catalog of typical mistakes, misunderstandings, misevaluations and how to exploit these: either through simple execution or brilliant chess tactics.
Carsten Hansen
Carsten Hansen is a Danish author best known for his novel "The Sea Within." His writing style is characterized by rich imagery, introspective narratives, and intricate character development. Hansen's contributions to literature include exploring themes of identity, loss, and the complexities of human relationships with depth and nuance.