From Fu Manchu to Kung Fu Panda : Images of China in American Film

From Fu Manchu to Kung Fu Panda : Images of China in American Film

(Autor) Naomi Greene
Formato: Paperback
Precio: £0,00

Beginning with silent classic Broken Blossoms and ending with the computer animated Kung Fu Panda, this book explores Chinas changing role in the American imagination. Taking viewers into zones that frequently resist logical expression or more orthodox historical investigation, the films suggest the welter of intense and conflicting impulses that have surrounded China.

University of Hawai'i Press
Número de páginas:
Año de publicación:
Fecha publicación:
30 de Abril de 2014

Naomi Greene

Naomi Greene is best known for her novel "The Cave of Dreams," a haunting exploration of memory and identity. Her lyrical prose and intricate character development have solidified her reputation as a master of psychological fiction. Greene's work challenges readers to confront the complexities of the human experience.

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