When Bernard Samson is woken in the middle of the night and discovers an injured man on his doorstep, he knows it will only bring trouble. It is the start of a dangerous journey to Zurich, rural Poland and the heart of a mystery that has tormented both him and his wife Fiona since they left East Berlin. Thrown into conflict with his superiors, and forced to question his job and his marriage, Bernard will learn, in the second part of the 'Faith, Hope and Charity' trilogy, whether treachery can ever be forgiven.
Len Deighton
Len Deighton is a British author known for his spy novels, particularly his debut work "The IPCRESS File." His writing style is characterized by detailed research, intricate plots, and a cynical view of espionage. Deighton's contributions to literature include revolutionizing the spy genre with his realistic and gritty portrayal of Cold War espionage.