Darwin's Notebook : The Life, Times and Discoveries of Charles Robert Darwin
(Autor) Jonathan ClementsDarwin's Notebook is a biography of the great man, but a biography with a difference. As you would expect, it provides a full and detailed account of Darwin's life and discoveries, but it is written, designed and illustrated to look like - as the title suggests - a personal notebook or journal.By mining the rich sources of his own journals and incorporating a wide range of quotations and primary sources, Darwin's Notebook brings its subject to life more vividly than any ordinary history book or biography, revealing the man behind the theory of evolution. Additional chapters examine Darwin's early life and education, his family life, his later writings, the reactions to his work and his long-term legacy.
Jonathan Clements
Jonathan Clements is a renowned author and historian best known for his work "A Brief History of the Vikings." His writing style is engaging and informative, making complex historical events accessible to readers. Clements has made significant contributions to the field of history and literature through his insightful research and storytelling.