Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (Six Dice, Five Ready-to-Play D&D Characters With Character Sheets, a Rulebook, and One Adventure) : Fantasy Roleplaying Game Starter Set

Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (Six Dice, Five Ready-to-Play D&D Characters With Character Sheets, a Rulebook, and One Adventure) : Fantasy Roleplaying Game Starter Set

(Autor) Dungeons & Dragons
Formato: Noveltybook
Precio: £0,00

Everything you need to start playing the world’s greatest roleplaying game. “I recommend [the D&D Starter Set] for anyone who’s curious and wants to learn D&D.”—Ed Grabionowski, io9.Gizmodo.com The Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set is your gateway to action-packed stories of the imagination. This box contains the essential rules of the game plus everything you need to play heroic characters on perilous adventures in worlds of fantasy. Explore subterranean labyrinths! Plunder hoards of treasure! Battle legendary monsters! • FIVE READY-TO-PLAY CHARACTERS • SIX DICE • ONE ADVENTURE BOOK: LOST MINE OF PHANDELVER • ONE RULEBOOK • ONE CHARACTER SHEET “D&D acolytes are everywhere. . .Tech workers from Silicon Valley to Brooklyn have long-running campaigns, and the showrunners and the novelist behind ‘Game of Thrones’ have all been Dungeon Masters.”—Neima Jahromi, The New Yorker Dungeons & Dragons is the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Created in 1974, D&D transformed gaming culture by blending traditional fantasy with miniatures and wargaming. The main Dungeons & Dragons books are the Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Wizards of the Coast
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Fecha publicación:
15 de Julio de 2014

Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Their most famous work, the Player's Handbook, introduced a new genre of interactive storytelling. With its immersive world-building and collaborative storytelling, D&D revolutionized the way people engage with literature, inspiring countless authors and creators.

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