The Green Gardening Handbook : Grow, Eat and Enjoy
(Autor) Nancy BirtwhistleThe complete guide to growing your own veg from former Bake Off winner and Sunday Times bestselling author Nancy Birtwhistle.
Nancy Birtwhistle
Nancy Birtwhistle is a British author known for her work in the culinary genre. She gained widespread recognition after winning the fifth series of The Great British Bake Off in 2014. Birtwhistle is known for her approachable style and emphasis on using locally sourced ingredients in her baking. She has published several cookbooks, including "Sizzle & Drizzle: Tips for a Modern Home Cook," which has been a bestseller. Birtwhistle's impact on the culinary genre lies in her ability to inspire home cooks to experiment with new flavors and techniques. Her most famous work, "Sizzle & Drizzle," continues to be a popular choice for those looking to elevate their cooking skills.