I landsbyen Shadbagh i 1949 beslutter Saboor at forære sin datter Pari væk til familien Wahdati i Kabul. En beslutning der får betydning for hele familien i flere generationer. Sideløbende følger vi en række andre skæbner gennem tiden i Afghanistan, Paris og Californien.
Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American author known for his emotionally potent storytelling and poignant exploration of themes such as family, friendship, and redemption. His most notable works include "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns," both of which have garnered critical acclaim and international recognition. Hosseini's writing style is characterized by vivid imagery, complex characters, and a deep understanding of human emotions. His contributions to literature include shedding light on the human cost of war and displacement, as well as giving a voice to marginalized communities. "The Kite Runner" is his most famous work, a powerful novel that has touched the hearts of readers worldwide and solidified his reputation as a master storyteller. Hosseini's impact on the literary genre of contemporary fiction is undeniable, as he continues to inspire readers with his compelling narratives and profound insights into the human experience.