Picture This! Spelling : An Innovative Pencil-Free Approach to Effectively Teach Irregular Word Spelling Using Visualisations and Mnemonics.
(Autor) Bronwyne Van ZylIn a world where intelligence is so often measured by our ability to read and write, we do not often make considerations for those who find that particular task challenging. We need to shift our perceptions from a culture traditionally embedded in print, and explore the innovative possibility of teaching spelling with an inclusive pencil-free approach such as Picture This! Spelling. Picture This! Spelling is extremely versatile and not only targets Primary and Early Years Education, but also those with Specific Learning Differences, English as an Additional Language and those learning English for the very first time. The programme is easy to follow for both parents and teachers and includes lesson plans, graphics, templates, diagnostics and word trackers. Pencils are replaced by a multisensory, tactile approach, which allows students to freely retain spelling words for rapid recall and automatism within writing. The word shape, word pattern and word sequence is addressed which is proven to support effective retention. Picture This! Spelling teaches 70 irregular word spellings using visualisations and mnemonics. It is a fun, creative and effective spelling programme proven to deliver results, increase students' self-esteem and deliver great academic progress.
Bronwyne Van Zyl
Bronwyne Van Zyl is a South African author known for her novel "The Forgotten Forest," which blends magical realism with vivid descriptions of the African landscape. Her lyrical prose and unique storytelling have earned her critical acclaim, making her a prominent voice in contemporary African literature.