Supervision and Clinical Psychology : Theory, Practice and Perspectives
(Autor) Ian FlemingIncreased attention is now being paid to the role of supervision in both pre-qualification and post-qualification practice in clinical psychology in the UK. This definitive text addresses the issues of central concern to supervisors in clinical psychology. Senior trainers and clinicians draw on relevant research and their own experience, covering: * historical development of supervision and a review of worldwide literature on supervision * supervisory and therapy models * maximizing supervisory resources * supervisory training and effectiveness * cultural and gender issues in supervision * measuring the effectiveness of supervision * future perspectives for supervision in clinical psychology. Supervision and Clinical Psychology provides practical advice essential for clinical psychology supervisors, as well as those in psychiatry, social work and psychotherapy.
Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming was a British author best known for creating the iconic character James Bond. His spy novels, characterized by fast-paced action, vivid descriptions, and intricate plots, revolutionized the espionage genre. Fleming's contribution to literature lies in his creation of one of the most enduring and beloved literary characters of all time.