Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance
(Autor) Ari TakanenThis newly revised and expanded second edition of the popular Artech House title, Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance, provides practical and professional guidance on how and why to integrate fuzzing into the software development lifecycle. This edition introduces fuzzing as a process, goes through commercial tools, and explains what the customer requirements are for fuzzing. The advancement of evolutionary fuzzing tools, including American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) and the emerging full fuzz test automation systems are explored in this edition. Traditional software programmers and testers will learn how to make fuzzing a standard practice that integrates seamlessly with all development activities. It surveys all popular commercial fuzzing tools and explains how to select the right one for software development projects.This book is a powerful new tool to build secure, high-quality software taking a weapon from the malicious hacker's arsenal. This practical resource helps engineers find and patch flaws in software before harmful viruses, worms, and Trojans can use these vulnerabilities to rampage systems. The book shows how to make fuzzing a standard practice that integrates seamlessly with all development activities.
Ari Takanen
Ari Takanen is a Finnish author known for his acclaimed novel, "The Healer." His writing style is characterized by vivid imagery and emotional depth, captivating readers with its powerful storytelling. Takanen's key contribution to literature lies in his ability to explore themes of healing, redemption, and the human experience.